North Side Daily Devotional

Friday, September 6, 2024

Clean House

Friday, September 6, 2024

Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice, all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and all slander. Like newborn infants, desire the pure milk of the word,[a] so that by it you may grow up into your salvation. 1 Peter 2:1-2

Clean House

Most of us like to clean our house when we know someone is coming. We also like to clean our houses sometimes when we just feel like getting rid of all the junk. Maybe Christmas is coming, and we need to clean out all our kids toys that they don’t play with to make room for what might be coming. Maybe we can’t wear the clothes in our closets anymore or we don’t like them, so we clean out all the clothes that need to go. Sometimes we just simply need to clean – to get rid of the cobwebs and all the things we do not need anymore. 

Peter gives us some good advice for trying to live a godly life in this sinful, broken world. The Message translation puts it this way: So clean house! Make a clean sweep of malice and pretense, envy and hurtful talk. v1 Our body is a temple for Jesus to dwell in. We are called to keep that house clean and when it gets dirty, and gunked up with the muck of the world, we need to clean it out. The ways of the world do not belong in the house that Jesus inhabits. 

Peter tells us to rid ourselves of some things – all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and all slander. These are not characteristics of someone who is walking daily in a relationship with the Lord. When we walk in relationship with Him, He is reflected in every aspect of our lives. Every decision, action, word, or conversation should glorify Him. Do we always glorify Him in all our actions, deeds and words? No, because we are human. But when we let it in and it starts piling up, it begins to affect our relationship with Him, others, and our testimony. It has to go. If we do not get rid of it, we cannot show the world the difference Christ can make in their lives. We will be showing the world the world. They are looking for something different and Jesus is that difference. We need to always be ready to show Him and His love to everyone around us.3

What do we need to rid ourselves of? We need to rid ourselves of anything we love more than we love Him. We need to rid ourselves of anything that keeps us away from Him or does not bring us closer to Him – even anything that simply draws our attention away from Him because that is the beginning of idolatry. We need to rid our hearts of anger, hatred, gossip, deceit, hypocrisy, and envy. The desire to talk about the person that hurt your feelings needs to be squelched. The urge to retaliate against someone who has been unkind needs to be stopped. The thought that has creeped in that is perpetuating more wrong thoughts, or even plans, needs to be surrendered – given as captive to the Lord. 

A clean house feels good. A clean heart feels better and is essential for our relationship with God. Is it time for you to clean house?  

Ask yourself what do you need to be rid of?  How can you demonstrate the difference Christ makes in your life this week?

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