Friday, June 7, 2024

Hands to Heaven

Friday, June 7, 2024

Hands to Heaven – Psalm 119: 73-77 Submitted by Kay Crumley

Have you ever considered the hands of your parent or grandparent? I have seen pictures of an elderly hand with a young adult hand and have considered the change in hands as we age. It recalls some of the many things we use our hands. A child’s hands reaching out to take hold of something new and interesting may need to be restrained so that the child isn’t injured. A teen’s hands may reach for prestige among their peers, which may lead to poor choices. In each case, we often see the hands of the parent slapping that child’s hand or attempting to redirect the teen’s hand protect the much-loved child from harm. Consider the hands that prepare our meals, wash and iron our clothes, care of our home or yard, and the hands that work to earn money to provide our needs and much of the wants as we grow into adulthood. Think back to the life of the hands of your grandparents. Remember the many ways those hands have nurtured, taught and encouraged you. How we use our hands is important to us but also to the next generations.  

Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in the Bible which is divided into sections that are numbered with Hebrew words. The 10th section is Yod which is ten but also means arm or hand. One source stated that it often represents a hand reaching toward heaven in prayer, or a person humbly bowing down in prayer. It also represents humility. Those of us who grew up in a Christian home may remember the hands of those who cared for us also being lifted in prayer.  

As you read the passage below, consider what the psalmist is saying. 

73 Your hands made me and formed me; 
give me understanding 
so that I can learn Your commands. 
74 Those who fear You will see me and rejoice, 
for I put my hope in Your word. 
75 I know, Lord, that Your judgments are just 
and that You have afflicted me fairly. 
76 May Your faithful love comfort me 
as You promised Your servant. 
77 May Your compassion come to me 
so that I may live, 
for Your instruction is my delight. 

We can all pray to God thanking Him for being our Creator. We are made in His image, to be like Him. But to imitate Him we must understand and learn His commands. We can rejoice when we see God working in our fellow believers.  

Even when we face difficulties, as in verse 75, we can have the confidence that God is just. His faithful love, His unfailing, steadfast mercy and grace, will comfort us in every situation. When we fail Him, He never fails us, His love for us is eternal. Our only appropriate response it to live to obey His instruction. To delight in His ways.  

This passage reminds us to use our hands to bring honor and glory to Him. Colossians 3:23 tells us Whatever you do, do it from the heart, as something done for the Lord and not for people. We are not to work to please people but to please our Lord and Savior. When we love Him first and work as if it all we do is for Him, we will be successful and productive.  

Lift your hands in praise and worship to the one and only God because only He is worthy. 

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