Sunday, August 25, 2024

Summer in the Psalms “Learning to Trust”


Summer in the Psalms
“Learning to Trust”
Psalm 146:1-10 (CSB)

Key Truth: “God is deserving of our worship in every circumstance of life.”

Main Question: What does this psalm teach us about God’s character and how we can trust Him above all? 

1.    Trust the Lord for life(Ps. 146:1-2)

- Worship for the people of God was not an event but a lifestyle.

2.    Do not trust in man(Ps. 146:3-4)


3.    The Lord is worthy of trust.  (Ps.146:5-10)


a.    The Lord is Maker and sustainer of all things. 
(vs. 6a)

b.    The Lord is the One who “… remains faithful forever…” (vs. 6b)

c.     The Lord is actively working on behalf of His people to set them free.  (vs. 7-9a)

d.    The Lord “…frustrates the ways of the wicked” 
(vs. 9b) 

After the Message: Read Psalm 146:1-10. What areas of your life do you find hard to surrender to the Lord? Why? Will you trust Him with every area of your life this week?  

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