Sunday, July 28, 2024

Summer in the Psalms “A Big God"

Summer in the Psalms
“A Big God”
Psalm 46:1-11 (CSB)

Key Truth: “God is deserving of our worship in every circumstance of life.”


Main Question: How does God’s sovereignty impact our daily life and how can that help us in our struggle with fear? 


1.    God is sovereign over the earth(Psalm 46:1-3)

2.    God is sovereign over the nations(Psalm 46:4-7)

3.    God is sovereign over the future. (Psalm 46:8-9)

4.    God is calling us to respond(Psalm 46:10-11)

After the Message: Read Psalm 118. How has God been good to you? Write down some of these ways in a notebook, bible, or tablet. Pray Psalm 118 back to God as a prayer of thanksgiving. 

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