Sunday, October 23, 2022

The Church I Want to Belong To Part 5

The Church I Want to Belong To Part 5 

Galatians 6:1-16 & Ephesians 4:1-12

The fellowship of the church is one of the most special blessings of a believer.  However, it is more than a social relationship, it is a shared partnership built on the unity of the faith. 

The Church I Want to Belong To Is…

A Church Where Unity is Both in Spirit and Service v6

koinonia - communion by intimate participation

Fellowship is never passive in the meaning of koinonia, it is always linked to action, not just being together, but also doing together.

In koinoniaGenerosity is not an abstract ideal, but a demonstrable action resulting in a tangible and realistic expression of giving.

The idea of community denotes a “common unity” of purpose and interests.

While we may belong to various groups, clubs or organizations we are a part of the church. 

Unity Is Preserved by Our Walk Ephesians 4:1-3

If you are a believer, you have been called by God to serve and honor Him in your life.  

Five Characteristics That Should Be Present In Our Walk - HumilityGentlenessPatienceTolerance, and Love

Unity Is Created by God’s Spirit In Us Ephesians 4:4-6

Unity is created as we are not only saved but transformed to be used by God.

It has been, from the beginning, the desire of God that we be ONE!

Unity Is Developed By The Use Of Our Gifts Ephesians 4:7,11-12

We are dependent on one another to fully express the body of Christ and perform the work of the church.

The equipping of the saints is what unites the church for service.

Unity Maintains the Balance of the Growth of the body v.12-l6

The Results of Unity

Sound in Doctrine

Strong in Testimony 

Strengthened Through Cooperation  

Service in Love  

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