Thursday, January 9, 2025
So when He had washed their feet, and taken His garments and reclined at the table again, He said to them, "Do you know what I have done to you? "You call Me Teacher and Lord; and you are right, for so I am. "If I then, the Lord and the Teacher, washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet. John 13:12-14
Show Overwhelming Love
Have you ever felt the overwhelming love of God? When we feel God’s overwhelming love in our life there is nothing like it. It consumes and burns up every thread of discord, every worry, every fear, every wrong deed done, every sin. If you have ever known the overwhelming love of God before then you know what I am talking about. Sometimes we may not feel it when things are hard, but He never takes His overwhelming love from us, as people might. His love is unconditional and covers everything. It is the overwhelming love of God that allows us to come to the cross and be washed in the blood. There is no spiritual relationship without cleansing, so without this privilege we could not have a relationship with almighty God.
Have you ever felt the overwhelming love of God? When we feel God’s overwhelming love in our life there is nothing like it. It consumes and burns up every thread of discord, every worry, every fear, every wrong deed done, every sin. If you have ever known the overwhelming love of God before then you know what I am talking about. Sometimes we may not feel it when things are hard, but He never takes His overwhelming love from us, as people might. His love is unconditional and covers everything. It is the overwhelming love of God that allows us to come to the cross and be washed in the blood. There is no spiritual relationship without cleansing, so without this privilege we could not have a relationship with almighty God.
In the passages we have looked at this week, we have seen a beautiful story of humility as Jesus washes the disciples’ feet. Humility is the beginning of holiness as Jesus modeled for us over and over again in His time here on earth. Overwhelming love will also bring us to humility as we realize just how small we are in the grand scheme of things when overwhelmed by love.
God’s love for us is a gift, not something we have to earn. You can do all you can to get right with God – but you still have to humble yourself and let Him wash your feet. He alone can cleanse us from our sin and wipe out our transgressions. And while we can do nothing to earn it, we do have to receive it. You cannot get a gift from someone unless you actually receive it. The same is true with love. As humans, many of us have felt the heartbreak of loving someone desperately only to not have that love returned. What a horrible feeling. God loves us and has so many good things for us but we will never have the benefit of His overwhelming love if we don’t receive it.
For I gave you an example that you also should do as I did to you. John 13:15
Jesus spent this time with His disciples, knowing He would be crucified soon, so that we would have this example of how to love others. He exampled a never-ending, tolerant, unexpected, humble, and overwhelming love. All these things are things we are to show to others if we are going to love people like Jesus loved people. The last act of Jesus here on earth was the overwhelming love He showed as He gave His life for our salvation.
Who can you overwhelm with love? It is our responsibility as His children to take this gift He has given us and pass it on to as many people as we can. I believe there is not a person on the face of this earth who does not truly want to be overwhelmed with love. They may say they don’t, and they may act out unkindly towards others, but most of the time that is a cry for someone to care about them. It is cliché but so true that what the world needs now – most of all – is love - the overwhelming love of our Heavenly Father, and we are His tools to spread this love to others.