Sunday, August 18, 2024

Summer in the Psalms “The Greatness of God”

Summer in the Psalms
“The Greatness of God”
Psalm 145:1-21 (CSB)

Key Truth: “God is deserving of our worship in every circumstance of life.”

Main Question: How does God’s greatness help us as we deal with the uncertainty and unpredictability of life? 


1.    God is worthy of praise(Ps. 145:1-3)

2.    God’s greatness applies to all generations
(Ps. 145:4-7)


3.    God’s attributes demonstrate His greatness.


a.    God is compassionate. (vs. 8-9)

b.    God is King. (vs. 10-13a)

c.     God is provider. (vs. 13b-20)
He provides help for the helpless. (vs. 14)
He provides food for His whole creation. (
vs. 15-16)
He provides answers to those who pray. (
vs. 17-19)
He provides protection for those who belong to Him. (
vs. 20)

After the Message: Read Psalm 145:1-21. How has God proven Himself to be your compassionate, providing King? How have you praised Him because of this? How will you pass on the story of the greatness of our God to those around you?

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