Psalm 24:1
The word
“stewardship” can create a lot of images in the minds of individuals. Many times the picture is limited to our
money and God. But stewardship is really
much more than that. On this Labor Day weekend we look at “Who’s in Charge?”
The way we spend our life is
the stewardship of our life.
We are prone to compartmentalize
and segregate our lives.
Stewardship is a terribly misused and abused word in the church.
I. Your Personal Concept of Stewardship is Based on How
You Think.
A Biblical Perspective of
God owns all mankind by virtue of
being Creator of the Universe. (Psalm 24:1)
God owns all mankind by virtue of our
redemption. Ephesians 2:8-10; Titus 2:14-15
A Steward defined = “To Plan,
To Manage, To Administer”
Difference between Stewardship &
Giving has to do with what we Deploy/
let go of.
Stewardship has to do with what’s Retained.
Important Stewardship Questions
Who ultimately owns all my
What do I want to do
with all God’s stuff?
What does God want me
to do with all His stuff?
We naturally resist the idea of unconditional
One question that changes
everything: Who’s in Charge?
For the next 30 days, pray this one
prayer: “Lord, what do you want me to do
today with all you’ve entrusted to me and how would you have me
do it?”