Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Kindness Can Impact Culture

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Remind them to submit to rulers and authorities, to obey, to be ready for every good work, to slander no one, to avoid fighting, and to be KIND, always showing gentleness to all people. Titus 3:1

Kindness Can Impact Culture

Culture is all around us and as Christians we can either embrace it and be a part of it or isolate ourselves from it. One definition of culture refers to the culture of the area where you live. There are pockets of society with customary beliefs, traits or shared values and practices. Growing up in Texas it is safe to say that I completely understand this phenomenon. Culture can also be associated with a racial or religious group. Regardless of what region of the world you live in, what language speak, what you believe in, or who your friends are, there is a culture you are a part of. Sometimes cultures can clash, causing violence and stress in communities. 

The beginning of the passage above says “Remind them…” Paul was telling Titus to remind the Christians under his care to show proper respect and humility towards all people, particularly those in a position of authority. We all know some Christians today that have a problem with that and need to be reminded. We all need to be reminded sometimes. We do need to show respect and remember to act like Christians. We are representing the Kingdom of God. But we are not to just respect and be quiet. We are not to stir up troubles but to submit to rulers and authorities, ready to do good works and to show kindness in every way – in words and deeds.  As Christians we have the power to influence the culture around us – wherever we are – at home, school, in public, etc.  We have power because we have the Holy Spirit. We can submit and obey, respecting all people, while interjecting the kindness of God into the culture everywhere we go. 

When cultural tensions arise, people do not expect kindness. They expect disrespect and arguments, maybe even violence. But we are called to always show the world the love and kindness of our Savior, no matter what. There will always be cultural tensions and challenges. There will be tensions between Christians and non-Christians. When we come up against these challenges it is the time to let the glory of God be magnified. When others are unkind to us, they don’t expect the kindness of God to be given to them in return. If we respond in our flesh, we cast a poor light on Christianity and the Kingdom of God as a whole. We look just like the world when we act like the world.   

Paul reminded the believers to demonstrate their godly character through the way they lived their lives. Our words and actions of kindness always matter, and if we are walking The Jesus Way, in a transformative relationship with Him, His character will be evident in all we say and do. Our words and deeds will glorify Him and demonstrate His character to everyone around us. 

Paul’s reminder is the same for us as it was to Titus and the Christians in Crete back then. Our cultures have changed, but our God, His character and ways, and our mission stays the same. We are to extend the love and kindness of God through our words and actions to everyone around us, in every circumstance and situation.  

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