Sunday, May 27, 2012

Living in the Blessing of Another’s Sacrifice

Hebrews 11:32-40
It seems that all we have of deep value has been bathed in blood.  Our freedoms especially, both spiritual and national, carry the stain of sacrifice.  On Memorial Day we pause to remember.  Remember in such a way that we don't just give a polite nod to the past, but acknowledge with gratitude the sacrifices of others.

People count. We need to remember the people who made an impact on our lives.
We all need to remember those who have laid foundations in our lives on which we build today and give thanks!
Those martyrs who gave their lives in faith receive their reward only as we recognize and live in the gift they provided.

I. Remember the Sacrifice of Patriots - John 15:13

Memorial Day at one time was called Decoration Day
The cost of freedom is blood.  On Memorial Day we give thanks for sacrifice.
There's no greater myth than that of the self-made man or woman. 
May we never abuse the liberty we have received by selfish indulgence on pleasures that weaken the moral strength of this great nation. 

II. Remember the Sacrifice of Servants Today - Philippians 1:3-4

The presence of evil today requires constant vigilance and protection.

III. Remember the Sacrifice of Christ - Luke 22:19

IV. Remember the Sacrifice of the Saints - Matthew 16:24

Christianity was created for us by the blood of Christ and preserved for us by the blood of martyrs.

V. Remember Our Responsibility Galatians 5:13-14

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