Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin. Psalm 51:2
It’s that time again…break out the cleaning supplies! Sweep up the cobwebs, throw open the windows and let the sunshine in. Once a year we clean in spaces that only get cleaned once in a while. We hit the high spots and clean out from under the bed and in all the dark corners. These are the areas that no one really sees when they come over to visit. The places that are easy to hide.
I know there are dark corners and top shelves in my heart that need a good spring cleaning too. These are the areas of my heart that I can hide away, or at least I think they are hidden away. They are never hidden from God and even if I think they are hidden away from everyone else, if they aren’t cleaned out once in a while they will begin to mildew. Even when I try to ignore it, I am aware of it just as I am aware of the layer of dust on the top shelf that I know is there. For I know my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me. Psalm 51:3
Spring cleaning goes beyond normal everyday cleaning. It's a major project for home revitalization: to make everything new by removing dust and dirt, to make sure everything is in good repair, and to put things in order so you will have everything in your household in working condition for the coming year. Some of the tasks for spring cleaning our heart might include:
· Cleansing of the past – failures and setbacks we have swept under the rug
· Cleaning out attitudes tucked away in the attic – hurt feelings, anger, resentment
· Confession of hidden sin buried in the basement where no one goes
· Cleaning of the unforgiveness staining the living room walls
The Ultimate Mr. Clean
Jesus is the ultimate Mr. Clean. He is the only one who can cleanse us and make us white as snow. We just have to ask Him and be willing to be transformed; willingly to let go of the old stuff and welcome the renewal. Sometimes change is hard even when it is for the better. Sometimes we don’t want to let go of bitter feelings we harbor. We hold on to hurt and anger just like old clothes we have outgrown. (Or that have gone out of style!) Clean out the closet! Give Jesus all your hand-me-downs and make room for a fresh, new beginning. Purify me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. Psalm 51:7
What a wonderful feeling when the ‘Spring Cleaning’ is complete. Rejoice in your success and move forward with new energy and a renewed spirit. But recognize that life is a series of seasons, and at some future date, you will return once again to ‘Spring Clean’ your soul for further growth and renewal. Life is a process, not a moment in time, as is our spiritual journey. We continue to grow from the time of our birth until we leave this earth at the end of our lives. Spring is a time for renewal; a time to celebrate and grow. Does your soul need ‘Spring Cleaning’?
Scripture to Claim:
Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10