I Peter 4:19
Troubles come to all of us. None of us are exempt. We may ask the question, “How can I avoid trials?” The truth is
that we can’t. Trials are inevitable! The question we should be asking is, “How can I change the way I respond to hard
times?” It might surprise you to know that God has a purpose in bringing us
through trials. Knowing that trials have a purpose can make a big difference in
how you face the hard time you’re going through.
When Experiencing Trials or Suffering…
I. Reflect on the Purpose of
Trials and Suffering – James 1:2
God uses the worst times of life to fashion the best for
our lives.
From great fights can come
great faith.
God’s own Son faced
trials for a purpose. Hebrews 2:10
Christ was made “teleos” – perfect as our Savior through suffering.
A true sacrifice is not complete
without suffering. Isaiah
Jesus, who was Lord of heaven, also
learned obedience through suffering.
Hebrews 5:8-9
The Last word of Jesus was a form of
the word “teleos” or perfect or complete.
It was the word tetelestai…“It is finished!”
We also are made perfect
through suffering. I Peter 5:10
Immature people are often impatient
–– they want the blessings of maturity without walking the road of
Immature people are weak.
Testing provides the proving of
our faith. I Peter 1:6-9
The testing of our faith is more
about who He is more than who we are.
Testing leads to perseverance.
Perseverance means, "to
remain under."
To submit to circumstances, relationships or situations which are
unhealthy or dangerous is to place yourself “under” the circumstances
and not in the circumstances.
Perseverance is not being a victim.
Victims who choose to be victims
do not honor God.
Perseverance produces maturity.
Sermon additions 2/3/2013
Some Causes of Trials and Suffering:
Our own
Sin – words, actions, behaviors, thoughts, temptation
The consequences of sin are
painful and destructive.
The Sin
of Others – caught in their consequence
– physical, emotional, spiritual
disaster or event – fallen world
– loss of that which was treasured
Relationships – failures and sins of fallen man
– persecution for beliefs and religion
– prejudice and condemnation
– prejudice due to cultural traditions
Age –
old or young
Situation: Poverty – Hunger - Loss of Job
Trial and Suffering Mishandled Can Cause:
· Anger
· Confusion
· Anxiety
· Frustration
· Hopelessness
· Guilt
· Envy / Jealousy
· Doubt
· Shame
· Bitterness
· Fear
· Depression
· Denial
· Rebellion
· Apathy
Trial and Suffering Can Remove
· Pride, Haughtiness and Arrogance
· Callousness
· Self-centeredness and Narcissism
· Self-righteousness
· Hard-heartedness
· Bad tempers
· Mean and vengeful spirits
· Verbally and physically abusive spirits
· Manipulating and controlling spirits
· Know-it-all attitudes
· Judgmental and critical attitudes
So when suffering under the hand of evil or manipulative
persons, what should the Christian do?
1. Seek God’s opinion as to who is at fault in
the trial. If I am guilty of doing
anything to cause my situation apart from failing to submit to unjust or evil
authority, I must answer to God’s call to personal responsibility and
repentance. If my situation is the direct result of another’s weakness, character
or sin, I must pray for that individual that God would change them.
2. Affirm my right under God to stand up
against unrighteous oppression, insult or other controlling actions.
3. Seek counsel from others who I feel will
share God’s wisdom and desire for my life.
Beware double-minded men who want you happy and free without
consideration of what God desires.
4. Boldly confront the oppressor in love with
my concerns and desires.
5. Act with courage if the oppressor fails to
cease their behavior.
6. Trust God with the outcome to be faithful
to His word to save and deliver me.