Jeremiah 1:4-10
God sent Jeremiah a letter
when he was about 20 years old. What God said to Jeremiah may help us to better
understand what He has in mind for our lives.
Three Truths
about Life:
1. For every person born there is a
special spirit and soul.
2. For every life there is a purpose,
direction and reason.
3. God will work out His plan
in our lives.
Purpose answers the question of "Why?"
I. God is Invested in Us
A. God is the Giver of Life. - v.5a
B. God has a Purpose for the Life He has Given Us. – v.5b-c
When you Speak for God:
1. Speak from His Word. - v.9
2. Speak with His Authority. - v.10a-b
3. Speak with His Purpose. - v.10c
C. God will Enable us to Fulfill our Life’s
Purpose. - v.7-8
II. God's Peculiar Purpose in Our Lives...
A. May be character changing. Genesis 35:9-15,
In the Old Testament, name was
equal to character.
your name does not always mean you will accept your name.
B. May be bigger
than you think you can handle.
Exodus 3:4-5, 4:1, 10-11, 13-14
C. May not be heard by others. I Samuel 3:3-5,
speaks TO men as well as THROUGH men.
can make you inferior without your permission.