Submitted by Jim Garner
Wise words satisfy like a good meal; the right words bring satisfaction. The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences. – Proverbs 18:20-21
What is your favorite meal? Let me define it this way. I’ve heard it called the “death row” meal. It’s that meal with all your favorites if you only had one last meal to eat on this earth. It might be from your favorite restaurant or it could be that special meal that grandma used to make for you.
Most people talk about that special steak, lobster, or holiday meal with family. It brings back fond memories of not only the food but people you shared it with. As I think about this I can’t help but go back to my childhood. As an only child, the youngest grandchild, and the only grandson, you might think I was spoiled. (Okay, maybe a little bit). I just choose to think I was loved greatly. Anyways, when we would drive down to my Mimi’s house monthly, I would call her ahead of time to let her know we were coming to see her. Most of the time she would ask me: “What do you want to eat?” Those were great words to my ears (and stomach). Why? Because my Mimi could fix the best fried chicken, cream gravy, mashed potatoes, veggies, and trimmings. It was no contest! This meal was my favorite! It satisfied like no other.
In the passage today we see a connection between a good meal and wise words. Wow! What an accurate illustration! Wise and right words go along ways in satisfying the desires and needs in our lives. We all are going to run into situations when these words are needed to remind, instruct, encourage, support, or inspire.
It’s funny how such a small thing as the “tongue” can be used for good and at the same time be used for evil. Verse 21 lays it out clearly: the tongue (words) either brings “death or life”. It’s plain and simple. And with that come the resulting consequences of:
*Death – pain, mistrust, hurt feelings, doubt
*Life – purpose, health, encouragement, strength
You can look further at this subject by diving into James 3:1-12. We have been studying the book of James in Sunday morning Bible study within our student ministry this winter. There has been so many points of truth and application in all the chapters to discuss for all of us. But James 3 really stood out because it’s an area that can cripple us all – individual, family, community, church, or country.
We have all felt the force of the tongue in our lives, probably at both ends. I mean we have probably said things we regret out of anger or envy, while receiving comments that tore us down or severed a relationship. We must be intentional to figure it out and fix it in our lives. We can’t always control what others say but we can work on ourselves.
Mimi’s fried chicken was great! Wise words are better and still satisfy.