Wednesday, August 8, 2018

True Wisdom

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.  James 1:5

In a world of advancing technology that appears to be so wise and wonderful, what bit of wisdom does it have for us who are going through tough times?  In the midst of trials and troubles the world would simply have us to "Google" it, James offers simple and practical advice that works, for the facing of the various trials of life . . . go to God! Go to God who is looking out for our best.  For there is wisdom for the asking.  
Wisdom for the Asking
“If any of you lacks"implies that everyone has a deficit (shortage) of wisdom. A measurement of our wisdom verses God's is what question we ask when the trials come. Our wisdom asks, "WHY ME?"and God's wisdom allows us to start asking for wisdom to see us through the trial. ASK = the present tense says to keep on asking. We might say it like this, "Let him ask the constantly giving God."  God is not tight fisted toward His children. He is a giving God! 
This wisdom God offers to us, simply for the asking, is not mere knowledge of facts, or the accumulation of information. Many a man and woman have gone under the trials of life knowing all the facts. The wisdom God offers is understanding for living. It is the God-given ability to make godly decisions and choices in the midst of difficult circumstances.
Many people ask,"Why do we need wisdom for trials?"  Why not ask for strength, grace, or deliverance?  We need to ask for godly wisdom that allows us to see that strength, grace and deliverance comes with God's wisdom. 
"The trials of many kinds” (vs.2)which come to us all are nothing less than gigantic opportunities to become wise. God's giving of His wisdom is given without reproach. God does not scold us or get on to us for past failures or sins. Our God is a good, giving God, who gives wisdom for the asking. Ask God for the wisdom you need, not only for your trials, but for navigating every day.  

Scripture to Claim:
I would have you learn this great fact: that a life of doing right is the wisest life there is. If you live that kind of life, you’ll not limp or stumble as you run. Proverbs 4:11,12 TLB 

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