Sunday, June 6, 2021

Parenting With Purpose

Parenting With Purpose

Ephesians 4:17-32

There is no influence as great on the life of an individual as their home and family as a child.  Quality families do not just happen; they are created from desire, cooperation and commitment.  Spirit-based homes come from Spirit-filled parents.

"Familying" is parents and children sharing development together and raising each other.

"HOME" - Where I go to sort out the 'stuff' in life and where I can admit my greatest weakness or failure and still be accepted.

Parenting from our natural instincts will not produce the spiritual home God desires.  Ephesians 4:17-19

The Christian home is formed from God’s Spirit within.

We will discover that difference in the Christian home is not about who rules the home, but who rules the heartof the home.

Core Principles for Christian Parenting

I. Teach Your Child the Value of the Truth  v.25

We have become desensitized to lying.

Truth is conforming one’s words to reality; being real. Lying is PRETENDING.

Why do people lie?  Fear!

·      Fear of punishment

·      Fear of conflict

·      Fear of rejection

·      Fear of loss

·      Fear of losing opportunity

·      Fear of hurting another:

The fundamental reason why people lie is because it works.  Lying is about immediate reward.

Lying breaks TRUST and destroys relationships.  

If real Christianity would be expressed with its fearsfailures and faults along with its faith, more people could believe it.

II. Teach Your Child how to Handle Emotions  v.26-27

The greatest teaching on self-control is the daily example of parents and mentors.

For anger to be righteous, God must be the source of it and not your flesh!

You may have the right to be angry, but it does not give you the right to be rude.



Questions for Faith at Home

Why would kids feel they had to lie to their parents?

How can we help each other when we are angry? 

Devotional Archive