Tuesday, August 13, 2024

This Is God’s Will For Us

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Rejoice always, pray constantly, give thanks in everything; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.  1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

In good times, in hard times, in all times, the Bible has everything we could need right between its covers. God gave us the very best advice and examples to live by in the gift of His word. Paul gave the Thessalonians three things to remember in striving to live a Christian life, and to help through difficult times as well. These three things we would do well to remember also, because they are good for hard times in our lives, and for everyday living as well.

This Is God’s Will For Us

Rejoice Always – If you have ever been in the middle of unbearable circumstances, then you know how hard it is to rejoice always. And yet, this is what we are called to do. Even when it is hard, we are to rejoice. What can we rejoice about when difficult circumstances surround us? We can rejoice because we can give it to Him. Even when our circumstances are changing, He never does. He is still the King of Kings, over the world, and over our circumstances too. He loves us and wants us to trust Him. 

Pray Constantly – God loves it when we talk to Him. We are His children, and He wants us to be in a state of communication with Him always. When things go wrong, our first response should be to pray. When things go well, our first response then should be to pray as well. It is easy to pray when something happens, but the temptation is also there to reach for a quick fix to our problems. Praying usually requires waiting and trusting. God is the perfect answer to all our needs, and we always have instant access to Him. Keep your connection to Him open and talk to Him about everything as you go through your day. And when you have to wait for an answer, keep rejoicing, keep praying, and keep thanking. 

Give Thanks in Everything – We are not called to give thanks for all things, but in all things.

There are always things that you can be thankful for. Our gratitude to God should never be conditional, but in the hard times and the good times we should be consistently thankful. He is always good and worthy of our praise. Gratitude causes us to focus on the One who has given and His provisions for our good.  Gratitude rebalances the scale of our circumstances when we are in troubled times. 

God is in all the circumstances of our lives – good and bad. Look for Him. Seek Him and His peace and wisdom.  Be open to what you are to be learning and doing.  All the circumstances of our lives happen for a reason.

The last part of the verse helps us to see just how important this is. Paul says for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus… In good times, in hard times, in uncertain times, this applies. No matter what is happening we are to rejoice, pray, and give thanks. Why? Because we are rejoicing in the God of our salvation, who saved us and loves us always. We have a relationship with Him so that we can go to Him at all times, praying, seeking, and praising. We should give thanks in everything – in every season and in every circumstance – for Him, who He is, what He has done, is doing, and will do.  

No matter what is happening in your life today, remember that He loves you and He cares. Rejoice in that, stay in constant prayer with Him, and give thanks.

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