Sunday, February 12, 2012

That Had to Hurt

Psalms 3:1-5
Approaching Valentine’s Day it may seem more appropriate to preach a sermon on love.  While we enjoy the positive and beautiful feelings of love there is another side that often affects us.  Hurt is the most frequently experienced painful emotion and, if not properly managed, can lead to other painful emotions such as anger, fear, and condemnation.  We are only human and we are part of a fallen world.  How are we meant to react?

I. Characteristics of Hurt

A. Hurt is Inevitable. John 15:18; John 16:33

The very nature of fallen man means that we will at some time fail one another.
To choose to love others is to choose to hurt.

B. Hurt is Personal.

People don't always hurt us because they want to.
The harboring of hurt is like a cancer

C. Hurt is Heart-felt.

“You Always Hurt the Ones WHO LOVE YOU.”

II. Dangers of Unresolved Hurt - Hebrews 12:15

A. The Danger of Emotional Imprisonment By Hurt – Ruminating

B. The Danger of Becoming Your Hurt - Luke 10:40

This is assuming a victim stance or martyr attitude.  Whiner!

C. The Danger of Closing Your Heart to Avoid Hurt

Losing vulnerability to avoid pain is not a healthy option.

III. The Rebuilding of a Hurt Heart

A. Confess its control

B. Realize its consequences

C. Refuse its continuance! - Hebrews 4:15

The antidotes for hurt. 
ComfortPsalm 147:3
Forgiveness - 2 Corinthians 2:6-7

D. Remember God’s Power - Hebrews 13:6; Jeremiah 1:8   

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