Sunday, January 1, 2012

Challenge 2012 – Are You Ready?

Matthew 28:19-20 (NIV)
So the challenge for us today as believers is to: “go and make disciples...” 
I.    Where.....When does discipleship begin? 
It is when you make an intentional decision to walk a life of discipline and obedience to His Word.  In fact the term "disciple" occurs 269 times in the New Testament.  The term "Christian" only occurs three times.  Acts 11:26
II.   But then the question becomes, are ALL Christian’s disciples? 
Luke 14:27 That phrasing in this verse somehow gets our attention more and clarifies the seriousness of the issue or subject Jesus is teaching about.  We must learn the word “ACCOUNTABILITY” and how that means to be OBEDIENT to His Word.   “You have to earn the right to speak into others lives.”
III.   The Jesus Model of Discipleship
That model is the basis for our ministry today.  That means you can look around you and can name people who you are discipling and see the discipline in their lives to follow Jesus Christ everyday! 
IV.   What are the Characteristics of a Disciple of Jesus Christ. 
·      Key Verse in Luke 5:11, “....left everything and followed him.” 
·      Key Verse is Luke 9:62, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God”  
·      Key Verse is Luke 14:27 & 35And whoever does not carry their cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.”  “Whoever has ears to hear, let him hear.” 
Today you will will know what a disciple is and what he or she must do for His Kingdom sake.  You can never say again that you do not know what it is to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. 
1.     Jesus First Step in making disciples was to “Come See  John 1:38-39  He spent three months attracting and winning His disciples.
2.     Second Step was Follow Me” where He spent 9 months establishing the basic habits of their walk with HIM.  Mark 1:16-17
3.     Third Step was to “Be With MeMark 3:13-14 where He continue to teach and would deploy them to live the teachings and grow in their faith. 
4.     Fourth Step was to “Remain (Abide) In Me  John 15:4  A time of learning to build others in their walk with Christ and continue to grow themselves. 
DISCIPLESHIP can be simply stated in one sentence:  To be a disciple of Jesus you must be committed above everything and everyone else to a lifestyle of following HIM.   

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