Tuesday, January 21, 2025
For the word of God is living and effective and sharper than any double-edged sword, penetrating as far as the separation of soul and spirit, joints and marrow. It is able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Hebrews 4:12
The Living Word
The Bible, divinely and uniquely inspired, and completely true and comprehensive over every question and area of our lives, is a powerful tool as well as the instrument that God gave us in our lives to accomplish His will. The words on the pages provide comfort, wisdom, direction, and power for us, but it will only be as useful to us as we make it. We can find true help and guidance and learn much when we study God’s word with a sincere desire to hear and learn from God, with a true commitment to apply what we learn, including what the word of God can do for our heart and soul.
The word of God is living… In Matthew 13, Jesus compares God’s word to seed – a living organism that when spread in fertile soil produces life. When we allow God’s word to penetrate the depths of our hearts and cut away the sin and all the other stuff that shouldn’t be there, we have fertile soil, ready for the seed of God’s word to plant new life in us. It is living in that it lives for all time. It is applicable to all people, in all circumstances, in all times. The same goes for our hearts. It is just as applicable to our hearts as it was to the hearts of those living in the days when it was written.
…effective and sharper than any double-edged sword… The word of God is effective and as sharp as a sword as it can cut right to the very depths of our hearts. The words of truth magnify what we hide, justify, excuse and fight to keep from exposing. It shines a light on this dark place so that we must choose – we can ignore and keep living this way or allow the word of God to do its job on our heart. It cuts away the sin and shame we hold there. This cutting away with this double-edged sword is part of what shapes us and completes us.
God’s word is powerful as it reveals truth and judges the thoughts and attitudes of our heart. When we allow our hearts to be transformed by God’s word and apply it to our lives we are moving towards being complete.
How are you allowing God’s word to shape you and complete you? Just as we should filter everything in our lives through the word of God, even more so should we examine our hearts with the sharp edge of the God’s Word to shape and complete us.
What steps do you need to take this week to engage God’s authoritative word?