Thursday, October 5, 2023

Jesus Over All

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Be careful that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deceit based on human tradition, based on the elements of the world, rather than Christ. For the entire fullness of God’s nature dwells bodily in Christ, and you have been filled by him, who is the head over every ruler and authority.  Colossians 2:8-10

 Jesus Over All

In Paul’s letter to the Colossian church, he told them about being rooted and grounded in Christ. He also told them about the things that were happening in the church that could hurt the fellowship and lead them away from Christ. There were some false teachers who were teaching them traditions and worldly teachings, which were not of Christ. Paul then tells them that all things were in Christ and He was and is the only authority overall. No traditions or teaching based on the elements of the world were above Him. No king, ruler, or principality reigned over Him. He told them this same Jesus that was above all, filled them. The head over every ruler and authority was the source of power they would draw from to live obedient, godly lives. If they could see what he was telling them, then their eyes would be opened to the false teaching. They could find peace in the fact that Jesus dwelled within them, giving them the power they needed to walk with Him in obedience and victory.

Traditions, especially related to religion or church, can really trip us up if we are not careful. It can quickly become more important that we do something on a certain day or in a certain way at church – because we have always done it that way. What we do and the way we do it – or have always done it – cannot be more important that serving and glorifying God. Traditions do not make us stronger Christians or bring us closer to God. They do not make us more holy and if we change a tradition or take it out altogether we do not have to close down the church. Sometimes things like traditions and rituals take our eyes off of God. They do not bring us closer to Him just because we have always done it that way. 

Every church and religion has traditions that have been passed down for ages. Some will stand the test of time and remain. Others will not and we need to be resolved to be okay with that. We are not worshipping the traditions. We are worshipping our God. Traditions are not what we should use as an example. Jesus is the example and only standard we need to measure everything by. 

When we see the fullness of God and who He is, and we see the authority of Jesus over all, we understand that He dwells in us. We will have eyes to see how we should live, choices we should make, and how we should behave. Jesus is the only standard we should ever use to examine our lives with.

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