Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Share the Bounty Part III

I am thankful for the love of God!  My hope is in Him.  I am thankful for the unconditional love of friends!  Through every trial we have found He is faithful!!!  I love my church family.     

Roger and Linda

I’m a seventh grader at Hall Middle School.  God has blessed me with student council, “A” team volleyball, “B” team basketball, straight A’s, UIL, and amazing friends.  I have so many friends here at North Side.  Maggie Glen is one of my best friends at North Side, also Jade Dunn, Abby Tharp, and too many to name.  I love all of what God has blessed me with.  I am also thankful for all of the things like a shelter, my dad’s job, and a fantastic, loving family.  

Ellie Larvin

I’m thankful for God and Jesus and church.  I love God and Jesus.  Katie Hall
My great-grandpa had a heart but God watched over him and he didn’t die.  

Landry Robertson (7 years old)

This year God has blessed me with Lady B McClellan, she has taught me so much.  She always knows how to help me through things, and is always be there for me.  She is one of the most Godly women I have ever met, and I am so lucky to be as close as I am to her.  I love her so much and don’t know where I would be without her.

I joined the choir about a year ago and it has been such a blessing.  I felt drawn by God to become involved in this ministry and had no idea how it would be so precious to me.  Hearing this group of believers sing and praise God is like getting a glimpse of what Heaven will be like!  I am so glad that I can be a part of such an amazing ministry.

The Lord used NSBC to minister to my family and me during the sudden loss of my father.  I felt the love of our church when Donnie O’Fallon called and prayed for me, when Bro. Van called and talked to me about my father and then NSBC provided meals, cards and literature.  Thank you NSBC.

Thanks to all of you for your prayers, cards, visits, loving hearts during my three weeks in the hospital in Weatherford and Fort Worth.  North Side is the most loving and caring church that I have ever had the opportunity to be a member.  God bless each of you and may God continue to bless North Side.  

John Sanders

I enjoyed Heaven’s Handymen Day when four men, two teenage girls and two teenage boys came to help.  They sprayed my house “in and out”, changed light bulbs, groomed my dog’s toenails, dusted, cut and hauled dead trees and branches and mowed the lawn.  I enjoyed most of all the hugs and assurance of coming back to help if I needed it.  

Mary D. Pearson

Since joining this fellowship eight years ago, this body of believers has been my family.  I never understood the admonition “Love the Brethren” until I came here.  I am so grateful that God kept His hand on me and brought me to Texas.  I thought I’d live and die a “Californian” but I’m a “Texan” now and love all of you.  Praise God!!!  

Barbara Stotts

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