Monday, February 8, 2021

Difficulty, Not Defeat

 Monday, February 8, 2021  

I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace. In the world you have tribulation and distress and suffering, but be courageous [be confident, be undaunted, be filled with joy]; I have overcome the world.” [My conquest is accomplished, My victory abiding. John 16:33 AMP

Difficulty, Not Defeat
It is inescapable. Trials and struggles will be a part of life. In fact, I heard someone say once that life is a series of trials and tribulations, and just as one is over, another comes. The word trial has a negative connotation for the most part, but not every trial we go through is bad. There is almost always some struggle involved but struggle can make us stronger if we let it. God always uses our trials for a purpose and they become part of our victory story on the other side. 

 Some trials we bring on ourselves, as a result of sin or poor choices. Some trials are brought on by the sin or poor choices of others in our lives. Our choices do affect others. Some trials come into our lives without our understanding, but nothing ever happens that God does not know about or understand. The presence of trials in our lives is not so much the problem as how we handle themWe can definitely make a hard time much worse by not handling it well, and sometimes we don’t handle it well right away. 

When trials and difficult situations come, we are sometimes quick to turn to God hand it over to Him, praying very fervently and specifically. There is nothing wrong with that because God wants us to pour our hearts out to Him. He already knows everything about us, but He wants us to talk to Him. It is hard for us to understand trials and why we have to endure them at all. There is a purpose in every event and season of our lives, even the difficult ones. But when we get uncomfortable, we mostly just want God to take it away or fix it - and quick. We don’t relish the thought of long seasons of trials and difficult times. Though God doesn’t inflict pain on us just to be mean, He sometimes allows us to sit through some difficult seasons longer for some reason. Just as handling a trial the wrong way can make it way worse, refusing to see what God is trying to teach us in a difficult season can make it feel like nine difficult seasons.

Though trials come, we never have to be defeated by them! Trials make us stronger - and they make our faith stronger. With love and support of friends and family, we can better navigate through the trials and tribulations we face in this life. No one cares about us more than our Heavenly Father. He has already conquered every foe and won the victory over every battle we will ever face. He asks us to rest in Him and trust Him because, although trials will come, He has overcome them all. He is victorious and through our faith in Him, we are victorious as well. Bring your trials before the Lord, open your heart and be honest with Him about it all, but come willingly before Him, ready to let Him handle it His way. Be open to His message and the lesson He may have for you at this time.

O LORD, how many are my foes!  Many are rising against me; many are saying of my soul, there is no salvation for him in God. Selah. Psalm 3:1

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