Wednesday, March 15, 2023

It’s Already In You

Wednesday, March 15, 2023 Some material taken from NAMB Who’s Your One 40 day devotional.


In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven. MATTHEW 5:16, CSB

It’s Already In You

As Christians, we are the light of the world, and one way we let our light shine is through our good works. Our good works towards others are not only a way for us to display the love of Christ, but it is also an evangelistic opportunity in and of itself. Those who do not know Jesus are watching us, and when they see our good deeds—which aren’t motivated out of our trying to be loved by God, but instead are an overflow of the love we have received from God— there is an opportunity for them to glorify our Father in heaven.

We may be the only representation of Jesus that some people have ever seen so it is important to let our light shine in the right way. We don’t want to pretend to be too ”righteous,” because even non-Christians can sense false Christianity. We need to be real and genuine with them, because real and genuine faith fosters trust that we are who we say we are and God is who He says He is - and He is who we say He is. We already have what we need to do the work of sharing our faith. His light is in us and we need to let it shine to the world so that they may see Him through us. 

As you go about your day, don’t neglect the evangelistic impact your kindness to others may have. As your let your light shine this week, identify one kind thing you could do to serve your one, and do it.


Who’s Your One Prayer Guide Day 11


In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven. MATTHEW 5:16, CSB


Father, give me the faith to obey You in all things, so ________________can experience firsthand a life that has been transformed by your Spirit. I pray for humility, so I will not merely do what is right to feel good about myself or in order to flaunt my morality in front of others. Give me wisdom to know how to leverage the obedience that You’ve called me to pursue in order to have opportunities to speak about why my life is different. Use the distinctive life Your Spirit produces in me and the good works You lead me to perform to cause ________________to long for the hope, peace, joy and meaning that only comes to those who have experienced Your salvation. 



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