Friday, October 18, 2024

Showing Kindness In Serving Others

Friday, October 18, 2024

This saying is trustworthy. I want you to insist on these things, so that those who have believed God might be careful to devote themselves to good works. These are good and profitable for everyone. Titus 3:8

Showing Kindness In Serving Others 

As we have been saying, when we are changed by our relationship with Jesus, It will be evident to others around us in everything we say and do. Our whole focus and perspective will shift from self-focused to others focused. His Spirit literally flows out of us to others and if that is really happening – if we are truly transformed - how could there not be good works? How could we not be doing things for others? The kindness of God and the Holy Spirit in our lives is what makes us kind and able to show that kindness to others. 

Ephesians 2:8-10 tells us For you are saved by grace through faith, and this is not from yourselves; it is God’s gift — not from works, so that no one can boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time for us to do. 

God saved us out of his unfathomable love, kindness, grace and mercy for us. But He also has work for us to do. We are to carry on the work of the Kingdom of God by spreading the Gospel, and we are also to do His work – good works – which He has prepared ahead of time for us to do. We don’t do good works for salvation. We do these good works as a result of our salvation. 

In learning to live and love like Jesus we will bear fruit. We are designed for good works which means living a life that glorifies God instead of living according to our flesh. It is important that we fulfill God’s design of doing these good works we have been created to do.

When you invest your life in others serving and loving them like Jesus, you will be fulfilled beyond measure. The very best way for our cup to be filled is to empty it out to others. The more love and kindness we show (not on purpose for show) but organically as a result of Jesus in our lives, the more love and kindness we will be filled with. It is a constant overflowing fountain. It flows into us from Him and out of us to others. 

This reminds us what we are saved for — to maintain good works. Good works are important in the life of the believer because they are what God designed us to do. A heart overflowing with thanksgiving and appreciation for God’s kindness, love, and mercy will not be able to keep from overflowing to others, sharing what He has done for us. The good works that He has created for us to do is not only to care for and help others, but also to help others know that the Gospel of salvation that has transformed our lives, is for them as well. God, in His kindness, has spiritually transformed our lives and He will do the same for all, no matter what they have done or where they have been. Some of the people in our lives or that we come in contact with are still “there” and need to hear these good words about a kind God who loves them and wants to save them no matter what. We tend to walk past them, avoid them or ignore them because they might be difficult to deal with. But God intends for us to take His Gospel to all people, not just the easy ones, or the nice ones that we already love and that love us. We need to get the Gospel to the lost people. They need the promise and the hope of salvation and to feel the kindness of a kind God through His people.

Until the Lord returns, our mission will always remain the same – “make disciples.” That’s at the heart of God and to be expressed in kindness to others so they may know Him. – Jim Garner

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