Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Surviving Spiritual Drought – Stay Hydrated

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.” Matthew 5:6

Yesterday, we considered what spiritual drought is, and what are some if its causes.  Today, I suggest a practical bit of advice: Stay Hydrated. 

In seasons of atmospheric drought, from time to time, I still have to go out in the heat.  Work still has to be done.  And if I am required to go out, I need to be smart about it.  I know that extra fluid intake is required.  I know that more hydration than normal is necessary due to the stresses placed on my body.  I will be losing more fluids than usual.  Therefore, I make increases to my normal intake of those things my body will need to remain vital and survive the exposure to the elements.

As in atmospheric drought, so it is also in times of spiritual drought. 
Difficult times draw more heavily upon the resources of my spiritual life.  I’ve recognized that when I find myself enduring spiritual drought, the temptation is to stop ‘hydrating’ spiritually altogether.  Prayer and Bible study can drop off.  I can isolate myself and fall out of fellowship with my faith family and corporate worship;  things necessary for helping me endure and recover may fall completely off my radar.

Knowing this, there is wisdom in recognizing a season of spiritual drought and making changes to my life and spiritual nourishment: 

·      I can become more intentional in my prayer life and scripture study. 

·      I might solicit the prayers of my peers, petitioning their intercession on my behalf. 

·      I may even increase the time spent together with Christian brothers and sisters, for the fellowship of family in the faith is a great source of strength and encouragement.

·      I commit myself to attend worship and study groups, even if my heart seems reluctant. 
In times of drought, I may experience a kind of ‘church lethargy’.  We are wise to know this and press through.  The best place to get a drink when we are thirsty…is where there is water.

In addition to these, when enduring spiritual drought, I must remember that:
·      God has not gone away. 
·      His Holy Spirit has not abandoned me. 
·      His word has not lost its efficacy for my life, and
·      I am not truly alone in the drought. 

I have merely lost my sensitivity to these realities; to the faithful presence of a loving God.  My sensitivity to the presence of the Holy Spirit may be impaired by circumstance or failure, but the power of God has not disappeared, and the comforter is still with me.  Jesus said “Lo, I am with you always…even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:20 

Since the beginning of time, no drought has lasted; no dry spell has endured.  Likewise, no spiritual drought has been without end.  Stay hydrated.  The rain will come.  We have His word on it.

Tomorrow: Surviving Spiritual Drought - “Be Aware of Fire Dangers.”

Scripture to claim: 
Jesus answered, "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life” John 4:13-14

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