Sunday, June 23, 2024

Summer in the Psalms “Where Are You, God?”

Summer in the Psalms
“Where Are You, God?”
Psalm 10:1-18 (CSB)

Key Truth: “God is deserving of our worship in every circumstance of life.”

Main Question: How should we respond to a fallen world and how should we approach God in the midst of it?

1.    The lament(Psalm 10:1)

Lament- “A cry of distress in which the psalmist expresses the suffering and disappointment of life in a fallen world.

2.    The circumstance(Psalm 10:2-11)

The “wicked” are…

a.    Arrogant (vs. 2)

b.    Boastful (vs. 3a)

c.     Greedy for gain (vs. 3b)

d.    Curse and Despise the Lord (vs. 3c)

e.    Prideful (vs. 4)



3.    The prayer(Psalm 10:12-18)

After the Message: Read Romans 8:31-39. What was Paul’s opinion of God’s faithfulness? What circumstances might make him doubt God’s presence? What was his conclusion? 

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