Friday, August 16, 2024

Remembering and Thanksgiving

Friday, August 16, 2024

Remembering and Thanksgiving - Proverbs 3:1-2 Submitted by Kay Crumley

I was recently introduced to the Hebrew word Zakhar. That led me on a path of trying to understand how we can apply it to our daily lives. Here is what I learned about that word. Zakhar is the Hebrew word for “to remember”. When we think of remembering, we think of looking back to something behind us. But for the Hebrews they understood remembering as a forward-moving practice and rhythm of walking with the Living God. Kristi McLelland.  

Western thinking and Middle Eastern thinking are different as they are from different cultures. When you remember something do you apply it to the future or simply hold it in the past? How does remembering cause us to move forward? Perhaps that is answered in Proverbs 3:1-2. 

1My son, do not forget my teaching, 
    but keep my commands in your heart, 
2 for they will prolong your life many years 
    and bring you peace and prosperity. 

Don’t forget the teaching we find in His Word. Remember how the scripture instructs us to live.  But it’s more than just an exercise in recall, it is a way of living every day. Keep His commands in our heart. If those commands are in our heart, they will determine how we think, act, and go about our daily lives. Proverbs 23:7 tells us that whatever a man thinks in his heart, that’s what he is. Remembering isn’t passive. Some of us may have been told by our parents that what we do reflects on the family. In my upbringing, that meant that if I behaved poorly the community would think my parents had done a bad job in teaching me how to behave. Scripture tells us that we are to be the light to the world because He is the Light and those who follow Him have His light in our heart. Therefore, we must remember His commands or teachings, so we know how to behave today and in the future. As His disciples we should live according to His teachings.  

The common way of thinking might be, but why, what’s in it for me? Verse 2 answers that very clearly. We will have our life prolonged, and we will have peace and prosperity.  NO, that is not the prosperity gospel. The Amplified Version expands it this way prosperity [the wholeness of life’s blessings]. By living a life following God’s command, we will be blessed by Him completely. 

When we Zakhar or remember all that God has done for us in our past it should lead us to also remember His promises. We might remember how He was present in a difficult time and His love, grace, and provision carried us through that difficult season. Then we are reminded that He promises never to leave us nor forsake us. That means He will be faithful to be with us no matter what the future holds. Perhaps you are facing the unknown relating to job, income, housing, or health issues. Remembering His faithfulness in past situations will allow you to move forward without fear, confident He will remain true to His promises.  

That should lead us to giving thanks to the God of creation. The Lord over all, King of kings and Lord of lords. He is an all-knowing all-powerful sustainer of our life. Then we can practice the command in Psalm 117 and truly praise Him in thanksgiving. 

1 All of you nations, 
come praise the Lord! 
    Let everyone praise him. 
2 God's love for us is wonderful; 
his faithfulness never ends. 
    Shout praises to the Lord!  

In last Sunday’s sermon on Psalm 118 by Pastor Jim the phrase ‘His faithful love endures forever is repeated four times in the first four verses and is the last phrase of the chapter in verse 29. It is my experience that when a phrase is repeated God is trying to make a point. Verse 2 of Psalm 117 says His faithfulness never ends. I believe the point being driven home is that we can always, forever trust that God was in the past, is now, and forever will be true to His Word.  

Remembering what He has done for us in times of joy and sorrow can lead us to have the courage to move forward because He is faithful, His love for His children never fails. Those who live according to His commands have the assurance that they are never alone because His faithful love endures forever. That is reason for unending praise of our Father God and continual thanksgiving to Him.   

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