Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Un-Resolution

I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well. Psalm 139:14

Possibly you are among those who find the New Year pressure more than you want to deal with.  Can you hear those who have just turned the corner after all the Thanksgiving and Christmas celebration and now they face the New Year requirement of making resolutions. You are not alone who are crying out, “Enough!  This is killing me.  I can’t stand the pressure I feel from everything around me.”  Maybe you are ready to make an un-resolution.  

Every year we do this to ourselves. We make New Year’s resolutions to be skinnier, better at this and that, save more money, get out of debt, be a better parent, and the list goes on. We make unrealistic expectations on ourselves that we cannot meet and set ourselves up for failure. Then we feel bad about ourselves, worse than we already felt.

Here are some interesting statistics about New Year’s Resolutions:

45% of Americans usually set New Year’s Resolutions;
 ■17% infrequently set resolutions;
 ■38% absolutely never set resolutions. 

Only 8% of people are always successful in achieving their resolutions.
 ■19% achieve their resolutions every other year.
 ■49% have infrequent success.

 ■24% (one in four people) NEVER succeed and have failed on every resolution every year. That means that 3 out of 4 people almost never succeed!

The less happy you are, the more likely you are to set New Year’s Resolutions. This is especially true for those who set money-related resolutions: 41% are not happy, 34% are moderately happy, and 25% are happy. 

This year maybe you want to just enjoy life; to release yourself from the pressure of trying to be perfect.  We can get very tired of trying to meet unrealistic expectations; self-imposed included. 
Here’s a resolution for you: Therefore, I resolve to do the very best I can do.  This does not mean I am writing myself a ticket to do less, not try or show any ambition.  This means that I want to be happier with things when I am doing the very best I can.  God does not expect me to be perfect, but to seek Him and His righteousness.  He has grace and mercy abounding for us.  He understands when we are spinning our wheels and going nowhere.  He sees how hard we try and better still, He knows our hearts.  He sees the desires that might never come to fruition.  He loves us anyway, bumps, bruises, warts and all.   

So this year resolve to be more merciful on yourself.  Do your best, make some changes, but be realistic!  And above all, be easy on yourself when you miss the mark because occasionally we all miss the mark.  Accept the grace, mercy and compassion that our Heavenly Father lavishes on us.  Allow yourself to partake. 

Scripture to Claim:
 For the LORD does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart. 1Samuel 16:7b (NKJV) 

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