Sunday, May 20, 2012

Mom’s Academy of Life

“You are going to wish you had listened to me.”
Ephesians 4:25-31
In Paul's letter to the Ephesians he addresses what the Christian has become in a new relationship with Christ.  His listing gives us the very things that every mother desires in the life of her children.  With graduation the focus of today’s service, let’s consider the course work of Mom’s Academy of Life.

I. Understanding the Value of Truth 101
If You Are Lying To Me You Will Regret The Day You Were Born.”  v.25a

II. Relationships 201
Who Made You the Queen of Sheba?  v.25b, v31

III. Handling Emotions 301
Stop Crying or I will Give You Something to Cry About.”
v.26-27, v31

Depression = Anger turned inward
Anxiety = The repression of a truth about life
Emotions are barometers of our inner feelings.

IV. Identity Through Responsibility 401
Don’t Make Me Ask You Again.”  v28a

Responsibilities = identity = self-esteem

V. Philanthropy 501
Do You Know How Many Children in China Are Starving to Death?   v.28b

VI. Power of Words 601
If You Can’t Say Anything Nice, Don’t Say Anything at All!  v.29

When it comes to your self-worth, listen to those who listen to you.

VII. Spirituality and Daily Living 701
You Better Hope God Gets to You Before I Do.”  v.30

Even more than I want my children to learn to listen to me and obey, I want them to listen to God.

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