Sunday, February 24, 2013

A Basin and a Towel

John 13:1-15
As we approach the Lord’s Supper we find in scripture that there were actually two meals served that night in the upper room.  Passover was the first meal eaten with the eating of the Lord's Supper.  The synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke) speak of the announcement of the betrayal and the instituting of the Lord's Supper.  However John’s Gospel gives a look at the "in between meals."  It is in the “in between” that we find Jesus loving and serving.

I. Jesus’ Love was a Constant Love  v.1

·      Constant love issues from character more than commitment.

·      Constant love creates trust.  I John 1:8 

·      Constant love is a drawing love.

·      Seekers today will belong before they will believe.

II. Jesus’ Love was a Selfless Love  v.2-3

Self-interest can keep you from serving like Jesus.

III. Jesus’ Love was a Spontaneous Love  v.4

·      Love “reacts” more often that it acts.

·      Sensitivity to need over ritual assists worship.

·      Jesus loved them in an unexpected way.

·      Jesus loved the unsuspecting sinner.

IV. Jesus’ Love was a Servant Love  v.4-5

·      Jesus was a servant in spite of His circumstances.

·      Jesus had to get wet and dirty.

·      Jesus was not in a hurry.

Serving others takes time and our attention
It is important to know what it feels like to be served before we truly understand service.

V. Jesus’ Love was a Humbling Love  v.6-9

·      The disciple who will not humble himself to be served is not fit for service. v.6-8a

·      The Demand of Holiness by Christ v.8b
Humility is the beginning of holiness.
·      The Desire for Holiness by Disciples

VI. Jesus’ Love was a Model Love  v.12-15

Christian fellowship is in serving together, not sitting together.

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