Sunday, June 23, 2013

Bent Out of Shape

Luke 13:10-17
A favorite expression for describing someone who is upset is they are “bent out of shape.” In the passage of scripture today we are going to look at two people who were bent out of shape; one was a woman who was physically bent out of shape and the other was a religious man who was spiritually bent out of shape.  

I.      Bent Out of Physical Shape Lady - Luke 13:10-11
"She lived in a posture of forced humility." --CH Spurgeon.
Luke describes her condition as two fold,
·      disabled ... weakness, frailty
·      bound by Satan ... oppression not possession
Satan is the “father of lies” and a lying spirit had convinced this poor woman that she couldn’t stand up.
...60 to 80 percent of Americans have at least one somatization symptom per week. Research has provided powerful evidence that most of us express emotional discomfort physically far more often than verbally.  Psychology Today
A lot of us need for Jesus to deliver us from our “I can’ts” today.

II.     Bent Out of Traditional Shape Lord  Luke 13:12-13
·      Jesus Notices and Cares for Hurting People.
We have the tendency to think we have to gain the attention of Jesus. But Jesus sees us in our infirmity long before we ever see Him.
·      Jesus Is Powerful Enough To Heal Hurting People.
You can be healed and not free.

III.   Bent Out of Religious Shape Leader  Luke 13:14-17
God is always at work in the NOW and if we are not careful a tradition will anchor us to the past.
God’s laws aren’t meant to tie you down, but to set you free!
“What are we here for?”
To reach the world with a relevant message of hope, salvation and healing and transform believers into the image of Christ.”  

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