II Peter 1:1-11
tragedy of many Christian lives is that they are filled with incomplete
promise. Peter had much to say about how
the Christian life is to be lived to the fullest of its potential. Theologian
Charles Barclay said, "The generosity of God does
not absolve a man from effort; Life is at its best and noblest when our effort
cooperates with God's grace, to produce fruitfulness."
I. Realize our Potential. v.8-11
A. For if these qualities
are yours and are increasing… v.8a
1. You will produce fruit. v.8b
2. You will have assurance and demonstrate your salvation. v.10a
3. You will be a follower of truth not as easily ensnared by lies. v.10b
4. You will gain an abundant entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven. v.11
B. For he who lacks these qualities… v.9a
1. You will be spiritually blind. v.9a
2. You will be concerned only for the moment not eternity. v.9a
3. You will be cold and indifferent. v.9b
II. Recognize
God's Provision for Growth and Ministry. v.l-4
A. Faith
1. A received faith
2. An equal faith
3. A costly faith
B. Multiplied Grace and Peace v.2
"Grace" - power to perform God's will – unmerited
"Peace" - the result of the work of grace – inner wholeness
"Be multiplied" - abounding to the level of every need
The Christian life is a RELATIONSHIP,
Not a Religion.
C. All We Need for Life and Godliness v.3
When you are born into the family of
God by faith in Christ, you are born complete.
D. Precious Promises v.4a
If you believe one promise
from God’s Word, why would you not believe another?
E. His Divine Nature v.4b
Believers are a “new creation.” 2 Corinthians
F. Power over Sin v.4c
Godly living is the result
of cultivating the Divine nature within us.