Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Leave Behind the Bad Decisions of Life

Who among you is wise and understanding? Let him show by his good behavior his deeds in the gentleness of wisdom. James 3:13

This week we are talking about good ways to start the new year; in particular what not to bring into the new year.  These are things that might keep you from reaching your full potential or keep you from fulfilling the plan God has for your life. 

Leave Behind the Bad Circumstances of Life
Sometimes we have made no mistake, but some visit from tragedy's storehouse has left us sad and angry and bitter.  We can't explain some of the diseases, but we know what they have done to us.  Death has come and we are left without the ones we love and with a gaping hole in our lives.  A job was lost and a new career has to be started.  Discouragement leads to Defeat. 

Satan has a way of bringing up our past weaknesses, illnesses, problems, mistakes and sins. He not only tries to condemn us but to create fear from the past.  Paul would not allow his past to prevent him from fulfilling his purpose nor should we allow our past to keep us from our future. Paul’s attitude seemed to be to acknowledge it happened. Mistakes were made, and I am sorry. I have repented and forsaken my sin. It is over. I am covered by the blood of Jesus. I am a new creature in Christ Jesus. I am forgiven and new.

A part of your strategy in going forward must include pulling the curtains on your past. Your mistakes, sins, shortcomings and other skeletons, are behind you, so forget them all!  They are called "skeletons in your closet" because they are dead and need to be buried.  Eulogize those bones, and lay them to rest.  Jesus came, suffered, bled and died as penalty for the sins of the world. You have been forgiven. You are free to go! Go into your future! Go fulfill your purpose in Jesus name! You are free!

Nobel Peace Prize winner Elie Wiesel was only 15 when German troops deported him and his family from their home in Romania to the concentration camp, Auschwitz. His father, mother, and younger sister all died at the hands of the Nazis.

The young boy survived forced labor, forced marches, starvation, disease, beatings and torture to become a world-renowned writer, teacher and spokesmen for the oppressed peoples of the earth. He is best known as the most eloquent witness to the great catastrophe to which he was the first to give the name "Holocaust."  After the war, Elie Wiesel determined to relate his story to the world. His book titled Night is one of the classic accounts of the Holocaust. Throughout his career, he has continued to speak out for victims of oppression all the world over.

Each book has been formed and shaped by his experience as a Holocaust survivor. Wiesel's only crime was being born a Jew, but that alone forced him to watch family members and friends be tortured and killed.

Yet, there is good news, even in those cases where we are not responsible for the pain in our past.  We may never get over some things, but we can learn to live with them. God will be present as we begin to heal bit by bit. God will be the fellow traveler as we rise and continue the journey. 

Scripture to Claim:
For the LORD gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding.
Proverbs 2:6

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