Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The Christian and the Gay Agenda

Righteousness exalts a nation, But sin is a disgrace to any people.  Proverbs 14:34 NASB 
The Christian and the Gay Agenda - Pastor Van N. Houser 

Recent decisions by the United States Supreme Court affirming the right of same sex marriages has been a difficult decision to accept for many Americans.  For people who take the Bible as authority in their lives it is an affront to their faith.  This decision requires careful consideration on many fronts to know the best way to respond. 

May I first make it clear that I do not feel that the decision by the Supreme Court was a natural response to a condition in America.  This was a political act resulting from a political agenda carried out by a minority of the US population seeking to validate their lifestyle through legislation.  I have seen many reports of gays and lesbians who state that they now feel been judged in a moral way not merely a legal one.

Late last week, after the Supreme Court of the United States declared without any Constitutional basis that the Constitution mandates same-sex marriages be state legitimized across the nation, a disquieting level of triumphalism broke out from coast to coast. The president shined lights representing the gay pride rainbow flag on the White House demonstrating great insensitivity considering the vote in the court was a 5-4 decision.  Corporations, undoubtedly fearful of the consequences of ending up on the wrong side of the riotous left, began tweeting out rainbow symbols.  All across America institutions and communities looked hard at what changes would be required in response to the decision.  All of this for 2.5% of the US population.

The idea that the gay rights movement desperately seeks the tax assistance available to male-female married couples was made false long ago with the promises of civil unions.  They could have had that but it wasn’t enough.  They wanted to break the back of the “religious right.”  This was an attack on the foundational core of our society based in the biblical instruction that “For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh.”  Genesis 2:24 NASB  

The gay rights movement celebrated the same-sex marriage decision in wild fashion because the decision established two fundamental notions: First, that government has replaced God in the moral pantheon of the United States; second, that the new god-government has the power to root out and destroy any God-based institutions, destroying the social fabric that holds together the nation.  This act was merely another step in the growing persecution of the church that has been accelerating at an alarming rate.

Author/talk show host Ben Shapiro writes, “Justice Kennedy went so far as to declare that the government could confer "dignity" on relationships.  With God safely shunted to the side in favor of Justice Kennedy, the next step in the gay rights movement will be the smashing of idolaters -- namely, those who cling to their religion and church in spite of Justice Kennedy's New New Testament.  Some have already moved to ban nonprofit status for religious institutions that refuse to acknowledge same-sex marriages and sued into oblivion religious business owners who refuse to participate in same-sex weddings.  It will not stop there.  Religious schools will be targeted.  Then, so will homeschooling programs.  The secular religion of America has been set free to pursue its own crusade against the infidel.”

The war is far from over for there is a final judgment that will declare the real truth and righteousness.  We know the victor in that for He is the “King of Kings and Lord of Lords!”  For now we deal with a nation that, as other nations including Israel has done before, has turned its back on Jehovah God.  Judgment is sure to come.

How do we relate to all of this?  Please read tomorrow and see some important things to do and not to do.

Scripture to Claim:

Do not trust in princes, in mortal man, in whom there is no salvation. Psalms 146:3

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