Meekness is not Weakness
Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth. Matthew 5:5
Step three in the stairway of Christian Character is a
new attitude resulting from being humbled and broken which exudes patience and
power and a full experience of life’s benefits.
Blessed are the Meek… v.5a
Proper translations would include: controlled,
tame, gentle, teachable
Meekness is not an attitude of
man but a fruit of the Spirit of God. Galatians 5:22-23
Meekness is required for…
Receiving the
Word of God - James 1:21
One who is broken is ready to listen
and not argue while a fool believes that if he keeps talking he can
prove himself right. Proverbs 10:19
Sharing the
Word of God – 1 Peter 3:15
There is humility in the heart
of one who has realized their own sinful nature and been blessed to receive
the revealed Word of God, not pride.
Living the
Word of God – Colossians 3:12
The world does not need another translation
of the Bible but the evidence of a life transformed by it.
Greatly forgiven people forgive greatly.
Meekness is not merely the absence of pride and arrogance so
much as it is the fullness of the presence of God.
Out of the God-controlled life
comes inner stability and restraint.
Meekness produces peace. It is
proof of true greatness of soul.
For they shall inherit the earth. v.5b
This is a proverbial
expression to denote any great blessing; perhaps as the sum of all
prosperity of the meek individual is the ability to enjoy what he
possesses in peace.
The one who
really experiences the blessing of earth is not always the one who possesses
the most but the one who knows the joy of what he possesses.
Blessed and happy are the meek, gentle persons who
allow the Lord to control their lives; and in seeking His Kingdom rather than
their own He will take care of them.