Sunday, January 17, 2016

Authentic Christianity

Sorrow that Comforts
“Blessed are those who mourn” Matthew 5:4
In the Beatitudes, Christ draws his followers aside and begins to share about the special kingdom that he is establishing.  Jesus paints the picture of an Authentic Believer.
Mourning is the proper response to the realization that we are
separated from God by our sinful nature.
For many there is a sorrow for actions but not a sorrow for self.
"Blessed are those who mourn" v.3a
Types of Mourning
·       Mourning for physical loss – Sadness
·       Mourning for personal loss – Grief
·       Mourning for othersCompassion
·       Mourning for sinBrokenness
Value of Sorrow - Ecclesiastes 7:1-4
·       It is personal.
·       It reveals values and affections
·       It provides contrast to appreciate happiness
·       It humbles our spirit – We have no control
·       It develops our character and strength
Our lives often needs purging. Tears are a means of accomplishing it.
To cling to our pride is to cling to our sin for fear of shame.
Catharsis is from the Greek word meaning to purge or cleanse.
To grieve is different than to be sorry.  2 Corinthians 7:9-11a
Proper Mourning…
·       Brings recognition of our spiritual need 
·       Emanates from a quickened spirit
·       Brings ability to rejoice  Psalms 30:5
·       Increases compassion for others   
"For they shall be comforted" 4b  
Often our disappointments are God's appointments.
The word comfort suggests strengthening, not soothing.
Significance of Comfort
·       It has no meaning without mourning
·       It does not always include removal of the cause
·       It may change tragedy into blessing

·       It makes us usable to God

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