Thursday, June 22, 2017

The Apostle by Chapter 2 | Thessalonians Chapter 2

By Sam Nobles

The task in understanding this particular chapter is that it is a supplement to what Paul had already taught the Thessalonians orally, and we don't know exactly what was said, but the ideas are clear enough that we can have a clue on how to piece it together.[i] Apparently, a misunderstanding of Paul's teaching had caused the Thessalonians to be troubled. Their fears centered on the idea that the day of Christ had already come, and they were going through the Great Tribulation (v.1).

Paul reassures the Thessalonian believers that the Great Tribulation had not occurred because there are two events that will precede it: A worldwide apostasy, and the appearance of a “man of lawlessness”, a “son of destruction”, the antichrist (v.2-3). Paul goes into painstaking detail to describe the acts and character of this horrible man so the Thessalonians will know this has not yet happened (v.4-12).

In the first twelve verses, Paul described the doom of the antichrist and his followers. Now he turns to the Thessalonian Christians and thinks of their calling and destiny by way of contrast. As he does so, he expresses thanks to God for these brethren beloved by the Lord, and proceeds to give a summary of their salvation—past, present, and future.[ii]

First, Paul lets the Thessalonian church that their election by the Lord was a first-fruits,
indicating that the Thessalonians were not only chosen by God in eternity past, but they were also saved so early in the Christian dispensation that they were considered to be among the first of a great harvest of those redeemed for God (v.13-14).

Lastly, Paul encourages the Christians in Thessalonica to stand firm and keep a strong grip on the truth. If you stand on the Word of God, you will not fall for the devil’s lies. God’s people can face the future with assurance, hope, and comfort because of the unfailing grace of God.[iii]

Scripture to Claim:
“Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God our Father, who loved us and gave us eternal comfort and good hope through grace, comfort your hearts and establish them in every good work and word.” (2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 ESV)

[i] David Guzik, 1-2 Thessalonians (Enduring Word Media, 2013).
[ii] Believer’s Bible Commentary, Second Edition, accessed May 16, 2017,
[iii] Be Ready (1 & 2 Thessalonians), accessed May 16, 2017,

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