Matthew 6:33
The celebration of faithfulness that we have each year for our faithful seniors should cause to consider just what has enabled these individuals to remain dedicated to Christ and the kingdom.
At the core of faithfulness is good character.
We make decisions that violate our principleswhen we act out of emotion.
ConsumerChristianity is following Christ or being a part of a church with a single purpose in mind: To Get My NeedsMet.
The church was never to be an inwardfocused people looking to meet their own needs. We were to always be an upwardfocused people looking to love God and others extravagantly.
I. Follower vs.Disciple?
It is possible to be a followerand not a disciple.
"Followers" are servantsof no-one.
A disciple is one who shares the passion,purposeand programof the master.