Matthew 7:13-14
A meaningful, purposeful life is not the product of chance but of decision. Salvation and sanctification do not just “happen” to those who “flow” with others but to those who “seek”. Christ gives clear instruction to beware following the easy way while disregarding its inevitable end.
I. The DeadlyEnd of EasyStreet v.13b
A. It's Easy to Find- the gate is wide
B. It Has No Boundaries- the way is broad
C. It is a PopularRoad to Travel- there are many who enter through it
D. It Is a Dead-EndRoad - leads to destruction
II. The Access Road to Heavenv.14
A. It’s a TollRoad– the gate is small
· You cannot stayas you areand come to Jesus.
B. It's a DemandingRoad– the way is narrow
· A meaningful, purposeful life is not the product of chancebut of decision. Great men are not the product of chancebut determination.
Freedom Responsibility
· Any time we demand our rights, we are asking for responsibility.
C. It’s a Less-traveledRoad– few who find it
D. It’s an ImportantRoad- leads to life
III.Choose Your Lanev.13a Enter through the narrow gate
A. Not to decideis to decidenot to follow Jesus.
B. The choice of a gateis the choice of a wayand the
choice of an end.
C. Commitmentis following the next revealed step of God for your life.
“I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved,”John 10:9