Sunday, September 2, 2018


Mark 5:21-43
Interruptions are inevitable. It’s just the way life works. For instance, the phone rings while your hands are full, your kids begin “needing” you right when you make an important phone call, or your boss calls you to come in on your day off. Are these interruptions just bad luck, or is it possible that God is in the details of these interruptions for your sake as well as others?
God wants us to be readyfor interruptions.
Jesusmade Himselfinterruptible.

      I.     If You Truly Want To Be UsedBy God, You Need To Make Yourself Interruptible.  

·  Jesus always had timefor people.
·  For most people interruptions are obstaclesin the way of our goal.
·  God has given us timeon this earth; we should not squanderit selfishly.
·  There’s nothing wrong with making plans, but don’t despisethe interruptions.

    II.     GodIs InThe Interruptions. 

Interruptions can accomplish 3 things in your life:

1.   Interruptions usually allowus to blesssomeone else.
2.   Interruptions provide unforeseenopportunitiesand blessings for us.
·      Interruption is often divine inspirationfor godly action.
3.   InterruptionsStrengthenOur SelfDiscipline.
·      The wayof God and the willof God cannot be determined by our level of comfort.

The Lordis the Great Interrupter – for His plansand for your spiritual growth.  

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