Monday, July 1, 2019

Now is the Most Important Moment of Your Life

So teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom.  Psalms 90:12

This week we are about half way through the year.  Has it been the kind of year you had hope for so far?  Life is unspeakably precious and unbelievably short and many things in life we have no control over.  The things that we do have control over Satan wants to steal away from us. We have no control over the day we are born or when we draw our last breath, but we have control over most of the moments in between.  How are you spending your moments?  How successful has the devil been in stealing, killing and destroying the life Jesus died to give you?  

Living a life of meaning and impact is not about doing something different but doing what we do with purpose.  The circumstances of life have no value in and of themselves until we add purpose.  Circumstance without purpose produces weariness.  We do things for a variety of reasons. When we review those reasons we often find that the majority of what we call "motivations" are actually "coercions"... external pressures. Saying no to some things is not wrong and saying yes to everything can rob us of our family, energy, peace, joy, and living in our purpose because we are so spread thin.  We can become bored and empty, living in the mundane day to day. Physical and mental weariness can drain us of our life because when our heart is not involved, we will lose our initiative.  We are seeing young people busier than any other generation and yet twice as bored with life, seeking escape in many ways.  Eventually this creates a big empty void in our souls.  Unfulfilled.  We can get anything we want literally at the tip of our fingers. Just swipe – every direction will give you something different.  Yet, nothing we can get at the tip of our fingers will give us what we really need, unless you are thumbing through the pages of your Bible. 
God's design and desire is to control our lives to bring about our purpose and give us the fulfillment He desires.  When God acts through our lives we find ourselves connected to eternity in a special way.  Being responsible to God with time in life can bring us the peace, joy, and fulfillment we have been trying to produce on our own.  It will give us the only true fulfillment there is.  A question for all of us today is "How much of my daily life is under God's control?"
When we know God's purpose we can also discover His power and peace in our lives. What are you doing with the life that He has given you, that was bought and paid for with His Son’s life? Are you living for Him?  Living to the fullest?  Or are you simply going through the motions – all of them – because you are so spread thin that you can’t see the path He has laid out before you?  Jesus paid the price so we can live in the freedom of salvation.  He paid the price so we have the freedom to live out God’s purpose for our lives.  Half-way through the year is not too late to turn it around.  It is never too late to stop the way you are living and go a different direction – God’s direction.  

Devotional Archive