Monday, December 30, 2019

Settling Into The King of Kings

Monday, December 30, 2019 
But Mary treasured all these things, pondering them in her heart. The shepherds went back, glorifying and praising God for all that they had heard and seen, just as had been told them. Luke 2:19-20
It is a few days after Christmas and the baby Jesus is learning to adjust to His new environment as His parents are settling into parenthood. Much like any new parent today they are figuring out schedules and routines and wondering if they will ever sleep all night again.  And the King of Kings settles in. He is learning a schedule and that crying sometimes gets Him what He wants. By now He has learned the smell and warmth of His parent’s arms and He nestles in and sleeps soundly.  
What must Mary be pondering now? She holds the son of God in her arms gently and after all that has happened, now she is feeling the truth of motherhood. The angels and shepherds are gone, the wise men are on their way, and Joseph has left them each day to go to work. It is just her and her baby, and the feedings, diaper changes, and naps are all her responsibility - except this is the Son of God. Does she remember that every time He cries or every time she feeds and changes Him?  She has no idea what lies ahead but she knows He will do great things. All the stresses of motherhood are enough to think about without realizing you are the mother of Jesus - the King of Kings and the savior of the world. Mary is learning how to take care of a baby and do all the things while life falls into a sweet rhythm. She is settling into her Heavenly Father and trusting Him to lead her as she mothers His son. 
What are you settling into these days after the celebration of Christ’s birth? It is almost the new year so maybe you are thinking about what you didn’t get done this year and what you might like to change next year.  Maybe you are putting all the decorations up and getting things back in order after having company. We too can have that same sweet rhythm Mary knew with the very baby in Mary’s arms.  He came so that we could settle into Him - so we can find peace and comfort in His arms just like He found as a newborn baby in His parent’s arms. For Joseph and Mary, Christmas was more than a once a year celebration, it was a day by day reality. The best part of this reality is ours because the presence of the King of Kings changes everything. Whatever you are doing, don’t forget that the King of Kings came for you and you can settle into Him for everything - every painful thing, every failure, every broken relationship, every fear, and every scary unseen step of the future. Settling into Him changes everything, so remember that your Father is the King and take the miracle of Christmas with you in your heart every day of the year.  

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