The Christmas story is one that everyone assumes they
know. People can tell you it’s something about a virgin, a babe in a manger and
some shepherds or wise men or kings, but there is so much more to the Christmas
story. When we are able to see things from God’s point of view the story
becomes greater still.
The true story of Christmas is the impact
of God becoming man and dwelling with us.
The incarnation of Christ denotes the union
of eternal God with humanity.
It is not just Jesus coming into our hearts
that saves us, but Jesus coming into the world.
This wasn’t a simple birth; this was an invasion
of the temporal by the eternal.
Christmas is not as beautiful as it is powerful.
There is no cross without a manger.
I. The Reality of Jesus (Who is this
King in the Manger?)
The Infant is Infinite.
Since a word is an audible or visible
expression of a thought, Jesus perfectly revealed what was going on in
the mind of God.
The “Word was with God and the Word was God” indicates that Jesus Christ existed IN
the Father not WITH the Father.
Jesus is not a creation of God but
is God Himself.
The Christ is the Creator.
Not only was Jesus an agent of
creation, He was the reason for the creation!
The Lord is the Source of Life and Light.
The incarnation of the Son of God, then,
was not a diminishing of deity, but an acquiring of manhood.
The darkness cannot ultimately put out the
light because light is more powerful than darkness.
II. The Response to Jesus v 10-13
Immanuel is Ignored.
The Relative is Rejected.
It is sad that some will reject
Christ because they don’t feel they want to change without realizing
that they will want to change when they accept Him.
The Redeemer must be Received.
The whole gospel is in the little phrase “born of God.”
Salvation is of the Lord.
III. The Revelation of Jesus
The Infinite became Incarnate.
The Magnificent was Manifested.
His Character was Kindness.