Monday, January 6, 2020

How To Do A Great Work

How to Do a Great Work
Ezra 3:1-12
It is amazing what God can do through a church or group of believers who commit themselves to partner for His purpose.  God’s people have an opportunity to rebuild the Temple which God arranged through a pagan king.  The only question left is whether they are willing to follow God’s plan to get the task done.
Israel determined to do what they were called to do in order to be who they were called to be.
Healthy, growing churches are composed of healthy, growing believers seeking to fulfill the mission of Christ in the world.
To do a great work we must:
I. Come Together Ezra 3:1
A.    The Whole Assembly was Involved.  Ezra 2:64-65
UNITY brings the blessings of God!!  But it must be unity of truth given by the Spirit of God.  Ephesians 4:4-6
The task that Christ calls us to calls us to each other.  It is bigger than any of us.
B.    There Must be a Shared Responsibility  Ezra 2:68-69
II. Worship Together Ezra 3:3-6
Fear is a great evangelist; for when we are afraid, we will seek the face of God.
B. A Disciplined Devotion Brings Revival.  Ezra 3:3b-6
Real worship leads to more worship!

III. Do the Right Thing in the Right Way Ezra 3:7-9 

A. Follow the example of those before you.  Ezra 3:7

B. When God assigns a task He also designates a method.  Ezra 3:8-9
There is fellowship like no other when you work side by side to accomplish a great task.
Our most successful ministries have been the products of the burdenvision and coordination of members.

IV. Finish What God Started Ezra 3:10-13 

A. Celebrate the Accomplishment. Ezra 3:7

Anyone can make a commitment – the ones who change the world are those who keep them.
B. Expect Criticism  Ezra 3:12-13
To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, be nothing.   Elbert Hubbard 
Criticism is often the advice from the observers on the performers.  Van N. Houser 

We have much to accomplish to achieve this generation’s responsibility for the work of the Kingdom.

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