Sunday, April 19, 2020

Till The Storm Passes By

Till The Storm Passes By
Mark 4:35-41
Seeking a break from the demand of the excited crowds that had begun to follow him, Jesus took a boat, and with some of his disciples, drifted off for some rest and relaxation.  But suddenly their leisure day was disrupted by a violent storm. From this experience we learn some things that can help us in the light of sudden devastating circumstances that come in our lives.
·      Although the Son of God is on the boat, it is no guarantee against a sudden storm. 
·      The fact that we live in a fallen world with fallen people means we will deal with trouble in life.  
Storms Bring Waves of Doubt. Mark 4:38a
·      Panic overrides reason and perspective.  
·      When God does not act as we think He should our initial reaction is to question His power.  
The Doubts of the Disciples
·      They Doubted His Concern
The disciples were looking at situations and not at the Savior.
When I cannot trace His hand, I can always trust His heart.
·      They Doubted His Commitment
Jesus did not save you to abandon you when the going gets a little tough.
·      They Doubted His Course
If they had believed His words, they could have shouted in the face of the storm.
·      Storms Force Us to Choose; Fear or Faith?
·      When fear comes, faith is challenged.
Fear and faith coexist.
·      When the storms comes into our lives, the Savior is looking for us to look to Him.
Storms Cannot Cover the Sound of Our Cries  
Isaiah 59:1
·      Though the storm may cover the sound of our voices, it cannot silence the cry of our heart to God.  
Storms Don’t Last Forever – Mark 4:39
·      Every storm loses its power; especially when the Creator calls for it to cease.
Storms Affect More Than Just Us – Mark 4:36
·      I love to hear a good testimony, but I hate to make one.
Storms are Subject to the Soverign – Mark 4:41
·      The boat could not sink because God’s plan for the world was on it.
·      God’s purpose for our lives is not affected by whims, accidents, circumstances, illnesses, and evil.  God works through these to bring about His will.

·      Fear  turned to awe at the work of the Master. 

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