What A Difference A Day Can Make
Luke 23:39-43
I. Jesus’ Last Hours On Earth Was Spent On A Cross Between Two Thieves
· One of the two thieves was an angry thief.
· Suffering does not always make people more tender.
It can bring out the worst.
· Sin is a mighty power that grips the human soul. Apart from the grace of Christ, none of us will ever get free from it.
· One of the two thieves was a penitent thief.
II. Seven Glimpses of the Love and Grace of Christ
Christ chooses the company of undeserving sinners.
· Christ is glorified by saving this man in this way because it is clear that his salvation is through Christ alone.
Christ accepts the simplest faith.
· You can pursue spirituality all your life, but apart from Jesus Christ, you will never come to know God.
Christ saves by grace, through faith, and without works.
Christ gives complete assurance.
Christ has great joy in redeeming sinners.
· Do not ever imagine that Christ is reluctant to save you.
Christ promises a life of indescribable joy.
· For a Christian believer, death is an immediate translation into the joys of life at the right hand of God.
Christ is with His people now and always.
· To those who die, Christ says, You will be with me, and to those who live, Christ says, I will be with you.