Friday, November 4, 2022

The Last Thing Jesus Asked Us To Do

Friday, November 4, 2022
Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.  Matthew 28:19-20  

The Last Thing Jesus Asked Us To Do

So many of us spend a lot of time trying to figure out exactly what our purpose is. Our purpose changes from season to season in our lives but one purpose we have never changes, no matter what season we are in – the purpose God has for us as a child of God. That purpose is to make disciples. 

Jesus gave us one job – one very specific and important job to do – go and make disciples. It is the last thing He said to His disciples before He ascended into heaven. Jesus made disciples by choosing a small group of men who would lay the foundation for His future kingdom. These men were His disciples. They were not just a group of men that Jesus kept with Him to help Him. He discipled them. 

Jesus modeled many things for us and one of those things is how to disciple people. The masses did follow Jesus at times, and He taught them, but He knew that true and lasting growth happens when we have a close relationship with one or two people we can really focus on and pour into. Teaching to the masses doesn’t build disciples. Disciples are made by a close, intimate investment in a few people. 

When Jesus ascended into heaven, He was not concerned with the number of people that had followed Him, His confidence was in the eleven disciples who would carry out His command to make disciples. They were eleven disciples who would minister under His authority, multiplying the spreading of His story by eleven. That was just the start. How many disciples did the eleven make that made disciples, that made disciples, etc… Pretty amazing when you think about it! 

 How much of our time is actually spent doing the one thing we were put here to do? Yes – we do have other responsibilities and some seasons are overwhelmingly busy. But we seem to be so consumed with “to-do” lists, errands to run, trips to take, etc… Does is ever cross our minds that we need to be making disciples? This process of making disciples will happen naturally in our lives if we look for it. It happens naturally in that we find ourselves in relationships that could be an opportunity to disciple someone. Then we have to be intentional about it. Make time. Plan for and pray about your time together. Plan for fun times together as well to build on the friendship. And most of all, pray for each other. Greg Ogden said “We are called to do God’s work in God’s way. The manner in which the Lord works is incarnational: life rubs up against life. We pass on Christlikeness through intimate modeling. Life rubs up against life when you spend intentional time together, sharing, being vulnerable, holding each other accountable, and discussing life around the truth of God’s word. Then God begins to work – rebuilding lives from the inside out. This is discipleship. 

Who is God laying on your heart? Who can you pour into and come alongside, encouraging, equipping, investing in them, and challenging them to grow in Christ? The goal is to make disciples that will then go and make disciples. Jesus’ command for the body of Christ was to make disciples, who will make disciples, who will make disciples. This is how His story has been passed on and how it will continue to be passed on.



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