The Jesus Way
“The Way of Generosity”
Matthew 6:1-4 CSB
Key Truth: "To follow Jesus means to live out the values and principles of His Kingdom with our whole lives.”
Main Question: What does generosity look like for someone who lives The Jesus Way?
1. Generosity is expected. (vs.2a)
Giving is a part of growing because stewardship is a part of discipleship.
2. Generosity is fueled by humility. (vs.2b-3)
"The essence of gospel-humility is not thinking more of myself or thinking less of myself, it is thinking of myself less."- Tim Keller, The Freedom of Self- Forgetfulness
3. Generosity is for God’s glory. (vs.4)
After the Message:
Read 2 Corinthians 9:6-15. What is the “generosity principle” in vs. 6? What attitude should we have in giving? Who is our provider? What is the result of generosity?