Genesis 15:1-6: 16:1-16; 21:1-7 (CSB)
When our spirit of self-control turns into a controlling spirit, we fall prey to one of the classic strongholds to spiritual growth.
Key Truth: “Eliminating obstacles to faith clears a pathway to live The Jesus Way.”
- Worry- “To torment oneself with or suffer from disturbing thoughts; to fret.”
- Key differences between worry and anxiety:
· Worry tends to reside in our minds. Anxiety affects both body and mind…
· Worry is specific. Anxiety is more generalized…
· Worry is ground in reality. Anxiety is marked by catastrophic thinking…
· Worry is temporary. Anxiety is longstanding…
· Worry doesn’t impair function. Anxiety does…
- Henry Ford Livewell, 08/21/20
Main Question: How does worry hinder us from trusting God and what can be done about it?
1. God’s promises are true. (Genesis 15:1-6)
2. Worry happens when we doubt God’s promises. (Genesis 16:1-16)
3. God can move us from worry to faith. (Genesis 21:1-7)
After the Message: Read Philippians 4:6-7. What is bringing worry or anxiety to your heart and mind? Will you pray this scripture and trust in God’s overwhelming peace?